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The Gentle Tranquility

The artwork depicts a lily flower emerging from blueberries with a dragonfly delicately hovering around. By using shades of blue, it conveys a sense of coolness, tranquility, and gentleness.

Sami Đặng Thư

Author note

"Flowers are your friends."

Sami Đặng Thư

Sami is a petite girl with a distinctive personality, she loves flowers and is passionate about experiences. Coming to The Florist collection, she wants to convey a message about expressing personality and emotions through multi-layered artworks.


The artwork depicts a lily flower emerging from blueberries with a dragonfly delicately hovering around. By using shades of blue, it conveys a sense of coolness, tranquility, and gentleness.

Publish Date

26 April 2024

Last Update

24 April 2024 at 5:32:55 am

Artwork ID



2024 © by The Entwine . All right reserved

Lidepuly - The gentle tranquility

There is a painting of a blue lily flower, a prominent piece of art in a serene corner of the room, where the sparkling light from the window gently embraces the soft lines of the painting. Each detail on the canvas exudes a sense of melancholy, like delicate petals closing in the winter breeze. Even the name "Lidepuly" is not merely a playful pun but holds a meaning that could be translated as unique.

But behind that melancholy, it holds a sea of emotions and a profoundly intricate story. It is not just a piece of art but an expression of a deeply introspective soul, a heart that has weathered many of life's trials.

Within the painting, there is a metaphorical character, someone who dislikes the noise of life. They always appear aloof and introverted, seldom sharing their emotions with others. Yet within that aloofness lies a rich and profound world of thoughts. They are not just simple individuals; they are a secret filled with depth, understood only by those who truly know them. Those who understand them always yearn to be by their side, and cared for by them, for their aloof exterior is merely a protective shell for their empathetic souls. Though they speak little, they always listen and pay attention, never missing even the smallest gesture, much like the gentle green lilies in the painting, always patient and gentle.

There are times when we feel regret and disappointment with their coldness, but ultimately when we are beside them, we understand that they are the ones who understand us the most. That painting is not just a work of art but also a reflection of a way of life, a person, and unique personality traits.


The Gentle Tranquility

The Dragonfly

The image of the dragonfly with its characteristic of "flying low foretells rain" serves as a premonition for a damp and emotionally saturated scene. It also symbolizes the character's ambivalence and uncertainty.

The Blueberry

The blueberries add a third layer to the artwork, carrying profound hidden meanings. Being a winter fruit, they symbolize the cold weather as well as the introspection and restraint in thoughts and words, serving as a direct expression of the character's coldness and tranquility. However, blueberries also contain high nutritional value and juicy, smooth texture, symbolizing listening and understanding, as well as gentle and tender gestures.

The Lily

When seeing the lily, it always brings back memories of the past, of tranquility, and solitude. Its image is not just a silent painting but also a metaphor for calmness and understanding. The flower stands upright but leans to the left, as if to evoke old memories, moments filled with love and affection.


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Sami Đặng Thư


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